Graciela is a visual artista. Was born in Junín (1969) Buenos Aires, where she lives and develops her projects. She is Graduated and Profesor of Visual Arts, she was formed at the Univesity of Arts in La Plata.
Creating a large itinerary initializing in the areas of printed art and experimental engrave. Her investigations expanding her repertoire of languages towards the action in art, the activism, the mail art and the instalations, implicating in mixed medias. Her parctices make focus in the exploration and search of a stetic of the rest as a mechanism of fixation in the memory and as a rescue of the ephimeral and disposable.
During 2018 she realized a clinic of art work with the artist Miguel Ronsino.
2019 she made a semiotic clinic about her practices with the curator ad visual artista Ana Montenegro (Brazil).
Actually transits her formation through the Diplomature “Visual Arts, a panorama from the territory”. Organized by UTN and the Seminar “Aproximations to some operations and approach of the contemporar practices in art”. Coordinated by Andrés Labaké. Orgized by Purple Project. Clinic with Camilo Guinot.
Accion Art
During ten ears, with the Hotel Dada Collective Art in Acción, transit through the accionism urban interventions and the mail arts. Interferences and diferent manifestations of public art. She was co-organizer of the Iternational Festivals of videoart PLAY and of the International Meetig of Action Art INTERFERENCIAS, both of them in Junín and Pergamino, Buenos Aires.
Action Art festivals and events
ARTE ACCIÓN PLAZA, International Meeting of UrbanArt, La Plata, Argentina.
CONCENTRATED ACTION, Latinamerican Meeting of Performance, organiced by the artist/ performer Clamente Padin, Montevideo, Uruguay
PERFORMEDIA, Rassegna Internazionale di Performance, organized by the artista Roggero Maggi at Bergamo, Italy.
OCUPATION, International laboratory of performance, The Good Light, agustine Roca, Buenos aires. Organizaed by Hotel Dada/action art 2019.
Artistic groups
From 2018 integrates the PERISFERIA GALLERY situated in La Boca, Caba.
Integrates the group of graphic artists from Buenos Aires, FULL INK. Coordinated group by the artista Néstor Goyanes.
She is teacher at the Egrave and PritArt Studio and at the professorship of Theories of Arts and Visual History Arts at the major School of Art Xul Solar of Junín.
IN VITRO (2010) Junin, MUMA. Pergamino Culture House.
INSTANTS (2017) Pergamino, Culture House.
THE BEAUTY EPHIMERAL INSTALATION: “WORK OF SILENCE” (2019) shared showing with the artista Sandra Pintos and Silvana Torviso. Chacabuco, art gallery. Italian Theatre.
Was jury in 2010 at the National Saloon of Visual Arts of Junin. In 2019 was a Jury at the first Bienal Mini Print. Mercedes Buenos Aires.